been awhile...oops.
so i do realize it's been over a month since i last posted...
though i would like to say that between traveling among 4 countries, organizing and facilitating a 7 day conference, spending time on the beach (it was one day), and living on a bus/boat/airplane, there wasn't much time. too much living i guess, you know?
so as of 1 january, i have a new team of vp's. almost none of them had experience when starting, but everyone was motivated to work - good thing ;) there's a lot to be said for that, i've realized - the motivation, the ganas (como dicen en espanol) - if you believe it you can achieve it kind of thing. as cheesy as it sounds, things are happening, and i like it :) i'd also like to think that i've had something to do with it, but only time will tell i guess. all in all, i've officially solidified my leadership style. i knew about it before, that i was never a dictator-type, more the be your friend and win trust like that type, but i was never strong enough, even in this...well, ladies and gentlemen, juanita/juana/johanna/jo/joha/juanitka/juanis has found her way - and so far, it's rockin :)
it's amazing what a difference it makes when you can teach someone something in the way you want them to understand it - the whole outlook changes. attitude. motivation. respect. everything.
my vp's are sending messages to each other almost every day. they're sharing their materials, opportunities, advice. and though they may not understand everything, they're asking, they're working, they're curious. they respect me, i respect them, i have faith in them and they in me. this semester is starting slow, but well. right now, i can't ask for much more.
on a personal note - can't believe i have only 4 more months here! loving having juan so close - parents come next week to visit - trying to keep in touch with home when i can - happy in summer overall :)
i think i need to move to a place with eternal summer...btw :)